Course Details
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks is an addition product suite for enterprise, web, and mobile applications. The software allows you to generate services and put together applications using a visual, model-driven growth environment, and then organize them in the ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks runtime.
TIBCO BusinessWorks Cource Content :
1.)EAI concepts
- Introduction to Integration and EAI tools
- EAI tools in the market
- what is TIBCO?
- TIBCO Runtime Agent(TRA)
- How TIBCO Supports EAI
- Introduction to Business Works
- Installation of TIBCO
- Overview of TIBCO Designer and Tester Utility
- Working with Palettes with complex Transformation
- Parse
- HTTP( Calling processes from HTML forms,sending attachemnts like PDF documents,Images and text files
- JDBC( including advanced databased concepts)
- XML Tools
- XML activities
- General configuration Palette
- JMS Palette
- JAVA Palette
- Transaction Palette
- Service Palette
- Creating Alias Library
- Overview of Grouping and its Usage
- Introduction to web services and SOAP
- email activity( Send and Receive,including sending attachements
- webservices implementation in TIBCO BW using SOAP Palette /Service Palette
- SOAP attachment,Retrieve Resources,( SOAP 1.1 and 1.2)
- Webservice Security WSS(Inegrety ,Authenitcation,Authorization,Digital signature,Security Policy)
- Creating Webservices by SOAP Server and Service activity
- Introduction and Architecture of JMS
- Overview of EMS
- Messages Mode
- Differentiate Between Topics and Queues
- Creation of Topics/Queues
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